Welcome to the FCSS Online Learning Platform where we have designed educational modules to assist you in developing the knowledge, skills and confidence to become effective FCSS Leaders. These modules are focused on building your capacity to better understand, facilitate and mobilize diverse groups of people on prevention activities to create better social outcomes for all Albertans.
These online modules were developed with you in mind! Whether you are an FCSS Director or Manager, a new or seasoned Director, or a Board member or Elected Official, and FCSS Staff, you will find these training modules useful in advancing your capacity to lead prevention activities within your own community.
We designed these modules based on a survey from the FCSSAA membership. Members said, keep the modules short, pithy and interactive, and make sure they are customized to FCSS. We took that feedback to heart and created a learning program to match your needs. To get started, we recommend that you start with Module 1: An introduction to the online learning platform to effectively maximize your online learning experience. This module will help you use the online platform to maximize your learning. From there, we encourage you to explore each module of interest. There are an array of topics and lots to learn so let’s get started!!