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  • Welcome to FCSS Online Learning Platform

    Welcome to the FCSS Online Learning Platform where we have designed educational modules to assist you in developing the knowledge, skills and confidence to become effective FCSS Leaders. These modules are focused on building your capacity to better understand, facilitate and mobilize diverse groups of people on prevention activities to create better social outcomes for all Albertans.

    These online modules were developed with you in mind! Whether you are an FCSS Director or Manager, a new or seasoned Director, or a Board member or Elected Official, and FCSS Staff, you will find these training modules useful in advancing your capacity to lead prevention activities within your own community.

    We designed these modules based on a survey from the FCSSAA membership. Members said, keep the modules short, pithy and interactive, and make sure they are customized to FCSS. We took that feedback to heart and created a learning program to match your needs. To get started, we recommend that you start with Module 1: An introduction to the online learning platform to effectively maximize your online learning experience. This module will help you use the online platform to maximize your learning. From there, we encourage you to explore each module of interest. There are an array of topics and lots to learn so let’s get started!!

Available courses

- Presenter: Lana Wells - This module is a MUST for anyone about to embark on using the FCSS learning modules. Please take five minutes to learn about the history of the project and how to use the system to maximize your experience.

2 Lessons
Updated: Jun 2018
144 Enrolled
My Courses

- Presenters: FCSSAA - This module was designed by FCSSAA to ensure anyone involved and connected to FCSS has the history and background of this important program. This module is especially important for anyone new to FCSS. However, even for some of us seasoned FCSS workers, a reminder of our history, role and impact is important. This module consists of three videos. Additional resources about FCSS can be found here.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
142 Enrolled

Presenter: Lana Wells - Content Expert: Dr. Alina Turner - This module is focused on understanding key concepts and definitions so that you are grounded in the current understanding of homelessness in Canada. Several Alberta case studies are used to highlight recent successes in the prevention of homelessness. An overview of risk and protective factors is woven throughout the module to help FCSS practitioners understand their role in preventing homelessness. 

1 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2021
47 Enrolled

- Presenter: Lana Wells - FCSS Working in Community: Community development approaches to solving social issues This module describes evidence-informed methods that are effective in gathering community members or groups of interest together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. You will learn key terms and definitions along with tools and practices you can integrate into your work.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
138 Enrolled
My Courses

- Presenter: Lana Wells - FCSS and Advocacy: What every FCSS worker needs to know to advocate for social change This module is intended for anyone interested on how to advocate for social change. You will come away from this training with a better understanding of what advocacy is, the different types and levels of advocacy work along with the knowledge and skills to write an advocacy plan for an issue that may be important to you and your community.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
91 Enrolled
My Courses

- Presenter: Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens - FCSS and Evidence: Understanding the different types of evidence and how to use it in your practice This module provides an overview of the different ways of knowing, the importance of evidence-based decision-making, different types of evidence, and ways to integrate evidence into daily FCSS practices.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
92 Enrolled

- Presenter: Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens This module provides training on the key components of evidence-based programs, important questions to ask yourself when selecting an evidence-based program, how to find evidence-based programs, and how you can best determine the readiness of organizations to implement an evidence-based program.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
81 Enrolled
My Courses

- Presenter: Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens - FCSS and Research: A basic understanding on the importance of integrating research into our practices This module provides a brief overview of research, including some ideas on how you can assess the quality of research you are currently using in your practice. The module will give you some ideas on how best to integrate research into your daily FCSS practices.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
65 Enrolled

- Presenter: Lana Wells - FCSS and Program Evaluation: Improving our ability to understand impact This module provides explicit training on a framework to help guide program evaluation and improve our ability to work with evaluators in order to understand the impact of our programs and investments.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
87 Enrolled

Presenters: Dr.Claire Crooks - FCSS and Mental Health: Understanding the importance of promoting positive mental health with youth In this module, the analogy of swim lessons and water safety is used to illustrate how promoting wellbeing is both similar to, and as important as teaching water safety. The module explores ways to build protective factors, reduce risk, and change the environment to promote better outcomes for children and youth. We underscore the importance of everyone playing a role in promoting children and youth’s wellbeing.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
76 Enrolled

- Presenters: Dr. Joanne Cummings - FCSS and Healthy Relationships: Understanding and promoting healthy relationships with youth This module is focused on building healthy relationships among youth (aged 12 – 18 years), and touches on supporting children under twelve. There are five sections within the module and we encourage all FCSS members to review sections 1, 2, and 3. Sections 4 and 5 of the module were customized for adults that work directly with children and youth and therefore these sections focus on building skills and capacities to support healthy relationships. This module is adapted from PREVNet’s Healthy Relationships Training Module.

2 Lessons
Updated: May 2018
69 Enrolled

In this section, you will find additional online learning resources. If you (FCSS member) find something fantastic online and want to share, please email to director@fcssaa.org so that it could be posted.

2 Lessons
Updated: Jun 2018
44 Enrolled